Responsible Gambling
Responsible Gambling
We love rolling up for a night of play as much as the next person, whether it’s hitting the slots in search of a huge jackpot, or taking on the live dealer in the hope of shaking the house. We always want to maximise your play and with that, your fun, with all the rewards and bonuses that can be found at Lucky Block.
But if the fun has disappeared from your play lately, you might need to take a step back and ask yourself; Why? Sometimes it’s good to take stock and reassure yourself that you’re playing for the same reasons that brought you here in the first place; fun and enjoyment.
If not, then it might be good to read a few of the following signs to see if they resonate with you. Although they shouldn’t be taken as absolute fact, they can symbolise that your current relationship with playing at online casinos has lost its way.
If they do, it might be time to seek some advice from our support team, or from one of the professional organizations linked below.
You’ve been playing with money that you can’t afford to lose.
You’ve been unable to pay rent/bills because you spent too much while playing.
You feel the urge to win back money lost as soon as possible.
Getting hold of money for play by any means necessary, including lying to friends or family about why you need money.
Concealing the amount of money lost, or time spent while playing.
Using play as an escape from frustration or stress in life.
Finding yourself unable to concentrate at work due to an urge to gamble.
Tried to stop or take a break from gambling in the past, but failed to do so.
Felt stressed, anxious or depressed after losing money.
Gambling Therapy
Gamblers Anonymous
Last updated